‘Brass Plaque’ Services

Home-from-home for your business


‘Brass Plaque’ Services Home-from-home for your business Burgh House

Non-resident, but creating a St Helena company? You’ll need a local address as your Registered Office. We can help!

To learn more about ‘Brass Plaque’ Services see below.

For an initial (free) discussion of your needs and how we can help please contact us.

About ‘Brass Plaque’ Services

What we can offer

For a small annual fee you can use our business address as the Registered Office of your company.

We forward to you any documents received at the Registered Office address (there is a small per-item charge).

And we, of course, display at the Registered Office address a formal Registered Office notice, in accord with the Companies Ordinance 2004.

Other services you may require (for example, completing and submitting your annual returns, corporate accounts and income tax filings) can be negotiated.

Other reading

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I’m interested. What do I do now?

If you want to know more, please contact us for an initial discussion. We will meet with you and discuss your requirements and how we would go about meeting them. This initial meeting is free, and at the end we will write to you to explain how we can help you and what it would cost. If you decide not to proceed you pay nothing; but we are confident that you will see the benefits of working with Burgh House.

Please note that you can download a handy summary of our business services from our Documents page. Our full terms and conditions of business are available on this website.

Burgh House does not provide any services that require regulation under the Financial Services Ordinance 2008.

• SERVICES: Service descriptions index • 
Just imagine…Burgh House ‘Brass Plaque’ Services 

Just imagine… Burgh House, Business Solutions • ‘Brass Plaque’ Services
Copyright ©  Burgh House Limited
Direct URL: http://burghhouse.com/
See our full contact details

PS: St. Helena, Saint Helena or St Helena - it’s the same unique place!


Burgh House welcomes all customers without distinction of any kind, such as sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, age, disability, birth or other status.

sainthelenaisland.info new tab/window Burgh House ‘Brass Plaque’ Services For more about the extraordinary island of St Helena see sainthelenaisland.info

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