Contact Burgh House

Many ways to get in touch with us


Before you contact us, have we already answered your question on our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page? This has answers to many common questions, including:  .

Go to: Email • Telephone • Post • Communications Note • Physical Locations


Email is our preferred contact method.

email Burgh House Contact Burgh House

Common emails for Burgh House Limited
John Turner
(Director, Burgh House Limited)
Catherine Turner
(Director, Burgh House Limited)
or type your message here:

About email

Please note that email is not secure. Your email may be viewed by others and could be altered. For this reason we would advise that you do not send security or other confidential information this way. Burgh House cannot accept liability for the consequences of your messages being intercepted by any third party.


Telephone Burgh House Contact Burgh House

(+290) 22041

We are happy to take calls in the evening and at weekends, recognising that if you are employed you may want not to discuss business from your current employer’s offices, but we do ask that you call before 9pm GMT (see the current time above) and not before 11am on Sundays. Thanks!


Post Burgh House Contact Burgh House

Burgh House,
P.O. Box 37,
Island of St Helena{2}
South Atlantic Ocean
See below for our physical location.

Communications Note

Please note that communications to and from St Helena are less reliable than in most developed countries, due to telephone, Internet and power outages. If you can’t reach us by telephone please try again later. If your email goes unanswered please re-send it.

Physical Locations

Location map for St Helena 15°55’24.3”S; 5°43’3.5”W Burgh House Contact Burgh House
Location map for St Helena, 15°55’24.3”S; 5°43’3.5”W{1}

Our base of operations (and Burgh House Limited’s Registered Office) is our home but we normally meet with clients at their premises.

To learn more about St Helena please see Saint Helena Island Info.


Our Facebook™ page is here:

Burgh House does not provide any services that require regulation under the Financial Services Ordinance 2008.

{1} Location of Jamestown according to latest GPS data.{2} Or St Helena Island, or St. Helena, it doesn’t seem to matter which.

Just imagine…Burgh House Contact Burgh House 

Just imagine… Burgh House, Business Solutions • Contact Burgh House
Copyright ©  Burgh House Limited
Direct URL:

PS: St. Helena, Saint Helena or St Helena - it’s the same unique place!


Burgh House welcomes all customers without distinction of any kind, such as sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, age, disability, birth or other status. new tab/window Burgh House Contact Burgh House For more about the extraordinary island of St Helena see

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