Computer Systems Review

Keeping on top of Information Technology


Computer Systems Review Keeping on top of Information Technology Burgh House

Burgh House has over sixty years’ combined experience of dealing with Information Technology (IT), from strategy to implementation. We can therefore help businesses and other organisations find out how best to use IT to minimise cost and maximise efficiency.

To learn more about Computer Systems Review see below.

For an initial (free) discussion of your needs and how we can help please contact us.

About Computer Systems Review

Starting out: Selecting the right system

Everyone knows that computers can help businesses do things better, whether it’s something simple like a PC to help you produce better documents or do basic book-keeping, or something more sophisticated. Using Information Technology (IT) well can make your business more effective, easier to run, and more profitable.

But IT can require a significant investment and you can’t afford for that investment to be wasted. Selecting the right IT solution is critically important. Will the system be the right one for your business? Will it be reliable? Will it grow when your business grows? Can it adapt to new things your business may do in the future?

If you have the time and the skills to fully understand IT you can answer these questions for yourself. If not Burgh House can help.

We have been selecting and implementing computer systems since before PCs came onto the market, and we’ve worked with businesses small, large and very large. We can help you make the right choice, and then work with you to get the system up and running. And when your business expands we can help you expand your IT solution too.

Do I have the right system now, and if not what should I do?

If you already have a computer system you may find that it no longer fully meets your needs. Perhaps you have expanded your business into areas never envisaged when the system was set up. Perhaps the technology is just old and no longer reliable. Or perhaps you want to move into a new business area that is outside the scope of your current system.

Whatever your reason for wanting to review your current system, Burgh House can help.

We can review your system against your current and future requirements and advise on changes that are necessary, whether those be simple improvements or a completely new system.

Managing the process

Whatever changes are being made to your system, we can manage the project for you. Please see our ‘Project Management’ page to learn about our project management capabilities.


I’m interested. What do I do now?

If you want to know more, please contact us for an initial discussion. We will meet with you and discuss your requirements and how we would go about meeting them. This initial meeting is free, and at the end we will write to you to explain how we can help you and what it would cost. If you decide not to proceed you pay nothing; but we are confident that you will see the benefits of working with Burgh House.

Please note that you can download a handy summary of our business services from our Documents page. Our full terms and conditions of business are available on this website.

Burgh House does not provide any services that require regulation under the Financial Services Ordinance 2008.

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