Business Communications

Getting closer to your customers and staff


Business Communications Getting closer to your customers and staff Burgh House

Burgh House has developed Business Communications strategies for many organisations to help them communicate better with their customers and staff. We can help your businesses do the same.

To learn more about Business Communications see below.

For an initial (free) discussion of your needs and how we can help please contact us.

About Business Communications

Talking with your customers

Is your advertising effective? Does the absence of complaints mean your customers are totally satisfied? Are your customers turning to someone else because you don’t provide what they need? Do they actually know about all the products and services you can provide? Is there a story spreading about your business that everybody has heard except you? How would you know?

Your business needs to communicate with its customers. You need to know what they are thinking about the products and services you already have, and what they are wanting from you, now and in the future. You need to tell them about your products and about your plans and get their feedback on your ideas.

Talking with your staff

Are your staff happy? Are they aware of your plans and feel involved in them? Do they feel sure their jobs are safe? Do they have concerns they don’t feel able to raise with you?

Often members of staff are uncomfortable with discussing concerns direct with their employer. But if they are not raised, discussed and resolved, minor irritations can turn into grievances and unfounded fears can become nightmares. Valuable staff members may be lost for no good reason, simply because they were not able to communicate a problem or allay a fear. You need to communicate with them to find out.

Whoever and whenever

There are many strategies for communicating with customers and staff. Each one has its merits, but each one also costs your business money. Which one is right for you? Should you use just one, or more than one, and if so, which?

We can help you devise a business communications strategy suitable for your business, at a cost you can afford, so that you can talk effectively to your customers and staff, and they can talk to you.

If you want to improve your business communications, your first step is to communicate with us.


I’m interested. What do I do now?

If you want to know more, please contact us for an initial discussion. We will meet with you and discuss your requirements and how we would go about meeting them. This initial meeting is free, and at the end we will write to you to explain how we can help you and what it would cost. If you decide not to proceed you pay nothing; but we are confident that you will see the benefits of working with Burgh House.

Please note that you can download a handy summary of our business services from our Documents page. Our full terms and conditions of business are available on this website.

Burgh House does not provide any services that require regulation under the Financial Services Ordinance 2008.

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Just imagine… Burgh House, Business Solutions • Business Communications
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PS: St. Helena, Saint Helena or St Helena - it’s the same unique place!


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